Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PTU - Angel Eyes

Mask of Choice
Tube of choice, I used a tube by Jose Cano which can be purchased

I used an awesome scrapkit called a Bit of Romance
which can be purchased  at Scrappin Dollars HERE

Open a new canvas 600 x 600.  Flood fill with white.
Open Paper 2 and shift d to duplicate, x out the original.
Go to edit, copy, and on your canvas go to edit, paste as a new layer.
Now we will do the mask layer.
Layers, new mask, from image, click ok,
on layers palette, click merge, merge group.

Open frame 4 - shift d to duplicate, x out the original.
resize 500 x 600 pixels using smart size.
edit, copy, and then on canvas, edit paste. Position.
Click inside the frame with your magic wand, go to selections,
modify and expand by 5.  Open Paper 10 and shift d to duplicate,
x out the original and go to edit copy, and paste as a new layer.
Paste a close up tube of choice now too and
Go to selections, invert, tap delete, highlight the paper layer
tap delete again, go to selections, select none. 
Move the frame layer above the paper & tube layers.
Dropshadow the frame and tube. I used 2, -2, 40, 3.00.
Highlight your tube layer and to to layers, duplicate.
On the duplicated layer, go to adjust, blur, gaussian blur, 3.00 %
In the layers palate properties, blend mode, soft light.
On the original tube layer, palate properties, blend mode, Luminance (Legacy)
Erase part of the string on top of the frame if it sticks out.
Open the Veil, shift d to duplicate, x out the original
copy and paste it on the frame, resize 60%.
Don't dropshadow the veil.

For the rest of this tag it's a matter of opening elements, shift d to duplicate
and x out the originals, resize and dropshadow. 2 -2, 40, 30

Red Window - copy & paste, duplicate and mirror, then duplicate again.  Merge these 3
layers together and position on canvas.
Fence 2 - copy & paste & postion above the merged windows
Arbor - copy & paste above the fence.
Vase - copy & paste and resize 65%
Cluster - copy & paste on arbor and resize 80%
Trunk - copy & paste & resize 20%
Violin - copy & paste & resize 65%.
Metal Flower the red one, copy & paste
Mood Lighting - copy & paste and resize 65%
Flower 1 - copy & paste, position behind the vase, erase
any of the stem that is sticking out.
Butterfly - copy & paste and resize 15%, duplicate & mirror
copy & paste the butterfly again and resize 20% & mirror.

Use my tag to arrange all your layers, add your copyright
and you are done, you can save as a psp image in case
you want to make changes,  I then x out the white background,
and merge visible and save as png.  I save that as a blank for
adding names to.  Hope this tut was easy to follow.
thanks, hugs Iris

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